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Bouygues Telecom and Telefonica Enter in a Partnership

11 июля 2011

Telefуnica and France's Bouygues Telecom announced today that Bouygues Telecom will join the Telefуnica Partners Program. The program is a new initiative that makes available to operators a host of services that allows partners to leverage on Telefуnica's scale and to cooperate on key business topics.

Following today's announcement, both companies will cooperate under the framework of Telefуnica Partners Program in the following areas:

  • Improved roaming services.
  • Provision of services to corporate accounts, including multinationals.
  • Bouygues gains access to Telefуnica Global Services, Telefуnica Group's global procurement unit.
  • Cooperation on devices.
  • The agreement also allows for the possibility of extending the cooperation into other areas.

"Given our complementarity and affinity, as well as Bouygues Telecom excellent track record, we are positive that our enhanced business cooperation will be quite fruitful and will create value to both companies." said Mario Martin, Telefуnica Group's director of strategic alliances.


Источник: Cellular news

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