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Survey of 300 Brand Marketers Shows Rapid Rise in Mobile Advertising

19 июля 2011

Though mobile interactive advertising platforms are still considered a complex landscape of constant innovation by many brands and agencies, they are nonetheless being adopted at increasing speed, according to results from a new survey by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB).

In the report, 63 percent of respondents stated that their companies' mobile advertising spend over the past two years has increased to some degree, with 29 percent reporting an increase of over 50 percent. The outlook for an uptick in the next two years is even more striking, with most of these key ad spend decision-makers (72%) saying that they are looking to increase their mobile advertising budget; 35 percent of respondents expect to increase spend by over 50 percent.

"Given the current economic climate, these overwhelmingly positive ad spend numbers are telling. They truly underscore what those of us working in the mobile space have always recognized - that the remarkable evolution and progression of mobile interactive advertising has only begun to deliver on its extraordinary promise," said Anna Bager, Vice President and General Manager of the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence.

Additional results revealed that half (51%) of the brand marketers surveyed already treat mobile platforms as an integral element of their overall advertising strategy. The other half of the survey's respondents are also intrigued by mobile advertising's benefits, but are currently exploring how best to leverage mobile platforms within their marketing plans: more than a third (35%) stated they are "experimenting" with mobile, while another 14 percent are tapping into mobile on an ad hoc basis.

The research study also asked marketers about which types of mobile devices they are presently reaching with their mobile ad campaigns. Ranked in order of highest priority, they are:

  • Smartphones (a high priority for 60% of respondents)
  • Tablets (31%)
  • Feature phones (22%)
  • Ebooks (10%)
  • Connected games consoles (3%).

Beyond being asked about interest and engagement in the mobile space, respondents were also queried about challenges. They cited several key hurdles in deciding whether to make larger mobile ad buys:

  • Device fragmentation (cited by 72% of respondents as a challenge of medium or high importance)
  • Privacy issues (70%)
  • Lack of standardized metrics (69%)

A significant number (60%) also ranked a limited opportunity for creative as a mobile challenge, which could in part be a reflection that most of those surveyed (62%) do not use creative agencies for mobile advertising. However, a majority (85%) of those marketers who are working with a creative agency on their mobile advertising objectives said that these partnerships produced good results.

"Mobile advertising is advancing rapidly and many of the issues that slowed progress in earlier years have been overcome, for example constraints imposed by networks and mobile phone limitations have radically improved through developments in, respectively, mobile broadband and smartphones," said Eden Zoller, Principal Analyst with Ovum and author of the report. "I am confident that the industry and the IAB will successfully address the newer challenges marketers identified."

The study of 300 top-level brand marketing executives currently using mobile in their media mix was commissioned by the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence and conducted by Ovum.

Источник: Cellular news

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