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Research In Motion to Cut 2,000 Jobs from Global Workforce

26 июля 2011

Research In Motion has announced 2,000 redundancies which the company says is a "prudent and necessary step for the long term success of the company", as it faces increased competition in the smartphone market.

RIM intends to notify impacted employees in North America and certain other countries this week. The remainder of the global workforce reductions will occur at a later date subject to local laws and regulations. 

Following the completion of the workforce reduction, RIM's global workforce is expected to be approximately 17,000 people. 

The company said that the costs of the redundancy programme were not included in its financial forecast issued earlier this year, and it will provide an update with it reports Q2 results on September 15, 2011.

The company also shuffled its senior management, but the sharing of the top jobs by Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie will be unaffected - pending a review the company is currently carrying out at the request of shareholders.

Thorsten Heins will be taking on the expanded role of COO, Product and Sales. All product engineering functions, including both hardware and software teams, are being consolidated under Thorsten's direction.

Robin Bienfait is maintaining her responsibilities as CIO, including BlackBerry Operations, Customer Service and Corporate IT functions, and also taking on responsibility for the Enterprise Business Unit.

David Yach, in his role as CTO, Software, will focus on current and future software platforms, as well as the surrounding developer and application ecosystem.

Don Morrison, currently on temporary medical leave, is planning to retire from his position as Chief Operating Officer - while Jim Rowan is taking on the expanded role of COO, Operations and will continue to be responsible for manufacturing, global supply chain and repair services.


Источник: Cellular news

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