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Romania Delays BWA License Auctions

26 июля 2011

Romania's telecoms regulator, Ancom has announced that it is delaying the planned BWA license auctions following consultations with the other communications networks and incumbent users of the radio spectrum.


Further to the public consultation process, Ancom decided to initiate the beauty contest procedure for awarding national licences in the 3410 - 3800 MHz band in 2014 instead of 2012, as initially proposed.

The beauty contest will take place in two phases: a preliminary phase during which the tenderers will submit to the Authority final intention requests for the purchase of a licence in the 3.5 GHz band or of a licence in the 3.7 GHz band, and an actual selection phase that will take into account the outcomes of the first phase and will take place only if the number of requesters is higher than the number of licences available in these bands.

If the number of requesters is lower or equal to the number of available licences, the offers will no longer be assessed and the licences will be directly awarded to the requesters.

The licences will be awarded for a 10-year period and will encompass minimal coverage obligations, on development phases of 1 year, 3 years or 5 years from the issuance date. The coverage obligations will include the priority coverage of a certain share of the low urban areas (resulted in the number of cities which need to be covered).

There are seven providers currently operating in the 3410 - 3600 MHz band, with five of them holding national licences, three local licences for data transmission services on fixed wireless access support (FWA), and one provider holding both types of licences. Only one provider that holds a licence for a Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) national network operates in the 3600 - 3800 MHz band. All national licences expire at the end of September 2013, except for the licence in the 3600 - 3800 MHz band, which expires in July 2011. Local licences in the 3410 - 3600 MHz band have different validity periods, expiring in: August 2011, January 2015 and December 2015.

Источник: Cellular news

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