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Mobile VoIP grew faster than video in 1H

27 июля 2011

While video streaming still dominates mobile data traffic, the use of voice-over-IP (VoIP) and instant messaging (IM) recorded faster growth in the first half of this year, according to new research from Allot Communications.

VoIP and IM became the fastest growing application type in the six months to the end of June, with usage increasing by 101%. Video streaming came in second at 93%, albeit from a significantly larger base. Currently VoIP and IM applications account for only 4% of bandwidth, while video takes up a sizeable 39%.

"OTT [over-the-top] applications in particular, continue to grow at a phenomenal rate," Allot Communications noted in its latest half-yearly Global Mobile Broadband Traffic Report. "This shift in the status quo presents a real challenge for mobile operators and threatens their survival," the company warned.

The report showed that 32% of mobile operators have implemented application-aware charging models, a sign, according to Allot, that telcos are responding to the challenges posed by mobile broadband usage growth.

However, these strategies could also be under threat: last month the Dutch parliament banned mobile operators from charging customers extra for using services like Skype and Web-based IM, a move that could have wider implications for net neutrality rules in Europe as a whole.

Netherlands incumbent KPN last week announced plans to raise mobile data tariffs in a bid to combat the rising usage of VoIP and instant messaging, since it is unable to charge for those services separately.

Meanwhile, 89% of the mobile operators covered by Allot's research are charging customers by data volume, and 51% have no unlimited options.

"[Operators] have already started to respond to this challenge by offering new service plans which monetize the network usage and better reflect the true value of these applications for both the subscriber and the operator," Allot said.

Pricing changes have come about on the back of rapid mobile data growth, which continued in 1H.

Total global mobile data bandwidth usage rose by 77% in the first half, which equates to a compound annual growth rate of 213%.


Источник: Total Telecom

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