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Polish Mobile Network Offering World's Fastest Mobile Broadband Speeds

28 июля 2011

In the first quarter of 2011, the average measured connection speed for known mobile providers worldwide ranged from a high of slightly more than 6 Mbps to a low of 163 kbps, according to traffic analysis by Akamai.

The data is gathered from the Akamai Internet platform, which carries between 15-30 percent of the world's Web traffic at any one time. The report also cited an unspecified service provider from Poland delivering the highest average mobile connection speed in the first quarter 2011, bumping last quarter's fastest provider from Greece to the number two spot.

Consumption figures indicate that during Q1 2011, users at seven percent of the surveyed mobile providers consumed an average of 1 GB per month from Akamai's platform. Users at 73 percent of surveyed providers consumed an average of 100 MB of content from Akamai, and users on the remaining 20 percent of providers consumed less than 100 MB.

As a result of Akamai's recently announced partnership with Ericsson, the report now includes data collected by the equipment provider. Overall mobile data traffic, as measured by Ericsson, experienced 130 percent yearly growth in the first quarter, and is now more than double the volume of voice traffic.

Источник: Cellular news

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