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Vodafone Germany looks to migrate its DSL customers to LTE

23 августа 2011

Vodafone Germany is looking to persuade up to four million of its broadband DSL subscribers to migrate to LTE.

Vodafone Germany CEO Friedrich Joussen said that Vodafone is currently being charged €500 million a year by Telekom Deutschland for using its fixed network, and that LTE offers adequate bandwidth to replace DSL as a broadband technology.

The company is thought to be preparing a bundle of services aimed at tempting its existing DSL users to adopt LTE. Those that fail to migrate could be sold to another fixed broadband provider, indicating the Vodafone plans to terminate its DSL operations.

Joussen recently stated that mobile Internet traffic continues to drive revenues, with enterprise customers wanting access to higher bandwidth services. In July, Vodafone said will accelerate its deployment of LTE in Germany through an agreement with euNetworks to use its fibre network for backhaul in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich.

The deal will also enable Vodafone to access euNetworks' wider fibre coverage as it rolls out LTE services to more cities across Germany. Vodafone is already providing over four million households with LTE coverage as it continues to upgrade its network to support the technology.

Источник: FierceWireless:Europe

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