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GSA Forecasts 93 Commercial LTE Networks by 2012

01 сентября 2011

The GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) has published an update to its Evolution to LTE report, highlighting the growing investment in LTE. 237 operators have either launched commercial service, or are in trials, tests or studies.

The GSA report covers both LTE FDD and LTE TDD system modes and confirms that 174 firm commercial LTE network deployments are in progress or planned in 64 countries, including 26 networks that have commercially launched. A further 63 operators in 21 additional countries are engaged in LTE technology trials, tests or studies.

Taken together, it means that 237 operators in 85 countries are now investing in LTE.

26 LTE FDD networks are commercially launched in 18 countries: Austria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, USA, and Uzbekistan.

The strong momentum towards deploying LTE in re-farmed spectrum, particularly 1800 MHz (i.e. LTE1800) is continuing, according to the report. Five LTE1800 networks are now commercially launched, in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Singapore, and the global reach of LTE1800 is evident in the growing activity in markets including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Namibia, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand and the UK.

Alan Hadden, President, GSA said "Growing industry acceptance of the benefits of deploying LTE in 1800 MHz spectrum, which is increasingly supported by regulators and policy makers, confirm 1800 MHz as a core band for LTE globally."

Источник: Cellular news

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