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10th Anniversary of Mobile Number Portability in Australia

26 сентября 2011

Australia's Communications Alliance has noted that yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of Mobile Number Portability in the country.

Since its launch on 25 September 2001, almost 11 million mobile ports have taken place, with an average of 100,000 ports per month taking place now.

Mr Fletcher said Australian mobile customers enjoy world's best practice, with an average porting time of less than one hour.

"The cooperative introduction of MNP demonstrated the Australian telecommunications industry's maturity and readiness to work together in a self-regulatory framework to achieve good outcomes for consumers," said the Federal Member for Bradfield, Paul Fletcher MP - who was a senior executive at Optus at the time of the MNP launch.

From the release of the ACCC Discussion paper on Mobile Number Portability in May 1999, with an MNP implementation date of 25 Sept 2001 being specified by the ACA (now the ACMA) in May 2000, industry worked together under the auspices of Communications Alliance (then ACIF).

That process included the publication of more than 15 technical and operational documents including a Code, various Network Plans, IT Specifications, Operations Manual, Guidelines, Test Strategy and Test Plans.

Источник: Cellular news

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