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China Mobile Has Nearly 10 Million iPhone Users on its Network

17 октября 2011

Although China Mobile does not sell Apple's iPhone, and that its 3G network is not even compatible with the handset, the Chinese company says that it has 9.5 million customers using the handset.

China Mobile's Chairman, Wang Jianzhou made the statement last Thursday when in Hong Kong.

Although the usage pattern is not clear, it is presumed that the China Mobile customers use the handset in GSM mode for voice calls and are content with Wi-Fi for the mobile data services.

The company has been in talks with Apple for some years now, but an iPhone for the network would have to be compatible with its TD-SCDMA network. Although the mobile network is the only one in the world to use that standard, the size of its customer base should make a dedicated handset economically viable for Apple.

Earlier this year, China Mobile's Chairman confirmed that Apple is looking at developing an LTE based iPhone for the company, but it is not expected to be available until next year at the earliest.

Wang also confirmed that he had a meeting with troubled USA based WiMAX network, Clearwire recently, and China Mobile is looking to sales of data services and machine-to-machine communications to boost growth.

Источник: Cellular news

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