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European Commission Proposes over $12 Billion for Broadband Investment

19 октября 2011

The European Commission has today tabled a plan which will fund EUR50 billion worth of investment to improve Europe's transport, energy and digital networks, of which EUR9.2 billion (US$12.6 billion) will go towards subsidising broadband network upgrades.

The CEF finance will leverage other private and public money, by giving infrastructure projects credibility and lowering their risk profiles. On the basis of conservative estimates, the Commission considers that the network infrastructure finance could stimulate investment worth more than EUR50 billion (US$69 billion).

The Digital Agenda for Europe set targets for 2020 of broadband access for all at speeds of at least 30 Mbps, with at least 50% of households subscribing to speeds above 100Mbps.

As regards digital services, the money would be used for grants to build infrastructure needed to roll-out e-ID, eProcurement, electronic health care records, Europeana, eJustice and customs-related services. The money would serve to ensure interoperability and meet the costs of running the infrastructure at European level, linking up Member States' infrastructures.

The Commission is proposing to launch a pilot phase in the period 2012-2013.

In the pilot phase the idea is to focus on 5-10 projects, concentrating on those that are at a relatively developed stage of the bidding and financing process or require refinancing after the construction phase, in one or more of the three targeted sectors of transport, energy and broadband.

The pilot phase would be managed by the European Investment Bank.

Источник: Cellular news

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