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Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent Maintained Top Ranks in LTE Shipments

18 ноября 2011

A recently published report by Dell'Oro Group indicates that strong momentum in the mobile infrastructure market continued in 3Q11, as mobile RAN revenues increased 20% versus the year-ago quarter.

The increase was driven in large part by sales of LTE and WCDMA, which comprised approximately one-half and one-third respectively of the total market's gain.

The report also reveals that from 2Q11 to 3Q11, Ericsson and Alcatel-lucent maintained their top ranks in LTE while increasing their shares to 44% and 30% respectively.

"Increased macro economic uncertainties have not affected mobile operators' short-term appetite for investing in mobile broadband," commented Stefan Pongratz, Analyst of Mobile Infrastructure research at Dell'Oro Group.

"Majority of the mobile operators have maintained their original mobile infrastructure capex plans for 2011. While total market revenues came in close to expected levels brought about by typical third quarter seasonality, there was a stronger contribution from 4G in 3Q11. The aggressive 4G rollout schedules of Verizon Wireless and AT&T helped propel the LTE market in 3Q11," continued Pongratz.

Источник: Cellular news

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