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Tablets cannibalise TV, PC use in Europe

30 ноября 2011

Tablet use is cannibalising home TV viewing and PC usage in a number of European markets, according to the results of a survey published by Orange on Tuesday.

The research carried out by TNS on behalf of the French telco for its Orange Exposure 2011 survey revealed that 35% of U.K. tablet owners are consuming on demand TV content, while 40% are watching streamed content on their tablets. Furthermore, Orange insisted that a 15% decline in PC usage since last year's survey is evidence that tablets are also cannibalising the traditional PC market.

By comparison, Orange said smartphones complement TVs and PCs, since 19% of respondents living in France said they watch more as a result of mobile media consumption, while in the U.K., 20% said they are browsing the Web more on their PC as a result of mobile media consumption.

"This is the first time we have included tablet usage in the Orange Exposure report and the findings are quite stark in their description of how people are using devices," said a statement from Bruce Hoang, group marketing director of the Orange Advertising Network.

"Clearly the 'one size fits all' approach for digital content across TV, PC, smartphone and tablet does not work and this has significant implications for content producers and advertisers," he said.

Orange's research, which surveyed mobile media users and tablet owners in the U.K., France, Spain and Poland, also found that consumers are 50% more likely to shop online using a tablet than a mobile handset.

"More than 60% of tablet users have made at least one m-commerce transaction," said Orange. "This compares to 47% of mobile users."

The report also found that despite the continuing growth in app usage, Web browsers are still the preferred method for accessing information on the Internet both for smartphone and tablet owners. In the U.K., Orange found that 76% of mobile users access online content via their browser, compared to 59% who use an application. Similarly 78% of tablet owners use their browser to access information online, while 64% use apps.

Orange's survey also revealed that 95% of tablet usage in the U.K. takes place in the home, which is in line with research published earlier in November by CCS Insight, which found that 79% of consumers use their tablet in the bedroom, and 60% use them in the bedroom.

Источник: Total Telecom

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