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Mobile wallet fragmentation inevitable

23 января 2012

Mobile wallet platforms will always have an element of fragmentation, claimed mobile payments specialist Monitise this week, due to a variance in customer requirements.

"There isn't just one silver bullet, whether it's 'everything's going to move to HTML 5' or 'everybody will just have an NFC [device]'," said Monitise strategy director Richard Johnson on Thursday. "No, they won't...it's always going to be fragmented."

"You're going to need different solutions for different types of customers," he added. "No doubt about it."

According to Johnson, if fragmentation is inevitable then industry players will need to cooperate and design their platforms to be interoperable.

Mike Keyworth, Monitise's chief operating officer, predicted that mobile wallet platforms will likely follow a similar development path to ATMs.

"They have their own market, the banking market, and they have to really interoperate to be successful across a massive population," he said.

He explained that individual banks originally developed proprietary systems, but customer pressure and rising costs led to banks enabling consumers to access their money via their rival's ATMs.

Johnson agreed, and revealed that there are currently "lots of discussions between lots of players" to create interoperable platforms, suggesting that Monitise has held talks with ISIS – the U.S. mobile payments joint venture between AT&T, T-Mobile USA and Verizon.

"If something like ISIS creates a similar ecosystem of consumers, there has to be a rich opportunity to collaborate," Keyworth added.

However, Johnson believes the finance sector in the U.K. will be unwilling to take the lead in developing a viable mobile wallet platform.

"No major bank is going to have a big NFC play today because the handsets aren't out there," Johnson claimed.

Instead, it will be platform developers like Monitise and e-commerce players that take the risk, he said.

"You've got the e-commerce players... who see particularly NFC as a way of bridging their business model from just the virtual world to the physical one," Johnson said.

Meanwhile companies such as Google, which generate revenue via clicks on adverts and sponsored links, can couple mobile search with NFC payments to promote offers on behalf of advertisers and retailers.

"When you tap [your NFC phone to make a payment], that's proving that Google has influenced your purchase," Johnson explained.

Indeed, research from Greenwich Consulting and law firm Olswang in November 2011 identified the potential opportunity mobile wallets present for for advertisers.

Though the mobile payment market is still taking shape, predictions in November indicated that within the next few years consumers will start to replace their physical wallet for a virtual one stored on their mobile phone.
Paypal announced that mobile payments could replace cash by 2016, according to a study conducted on its behalf by Forrester Research. Meanwhile ABI Research senior analyst Mark Beccue stated that "by 2014, we will see Google Wallets supported alongside competing MNO offerings globally."

Mobile operators in the U.K. have recognised the need to work together to provide m-payment solutions, forming a joint venture provisionally called Project Oscar in June 2011.

Similarly, Sweden's four main mobile operators banded together in November to create their own platform. Called 4T, the joint venture plans to launch services some time this year.

Источник: Total Telecom

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