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IEEE begins standards work on TV white spaces apps

28 марта 2012

Applications using TV white spaces stand to get a boost now that IEEE has committed to working on standardizing the technology via its P802.22b Amendment Project for Enhanced Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications.

The IEEE 802.22 Working Group established task group b "to enhance the IEEE 802.22-2011 standard capabilities to accommodate a wide variety of applications using cognitive radio technology in Television White Spaces," said IEEE.

Targeted apps include long-range and regional area smart grid, critical infrastructure monitoring, triple-play services such as voice, video and data, backhaul for broadband access, cellular traffic offloading, regional public-safety and homeland security networks, emergency broadband services, environmental monitoring and more.

The IEEE task group is soliciting contributions from parties interested in developing the standard.

In September 2010, the FCC opened up 700 MHz white space spectrum for mobile broadband use. The unlicensed frequencies comprise the bandwidth located between channels used for broadcast television. Because it is abundant in rural and remote areas that receive few TV signals, the spectrum has been considered a possible solution for extending mobile broadband to sparsely populated areas of the country. Devices designed to operate in white spaces are called TV bands devices or TVBDs.

The FCC has used the term Super Wi-Fi to describe TV white spaces, raising the ire of the Wi-Fi Alliance, which wants the term tossed because white spaces are not compatible with current Wi-Fi technologies and Wi-Fi devices will not work over white spaces spectrum.

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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