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Anonymous hacks into tech and telecom sites

10 апреля 2012

Two trade association sites that boast members such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, and Verizon come under attack by hackers for supporting cybersecurity legislation.

Anonymous is certainly making the rounds this week. First China, now the telecom and tech industry.

The hacker group has claimed responsibility for leading denial-of-service attacks on two technology trade association Web sites, USTelecom and TechAmerica, according to Bloomberg. Anonymous is reportedly lashing out because these organizations support a cybersecurity bill that some members of congress are working to pass.

The attacks began yesterday when users were unable to log onto the sites, reports Bloomberg. USTelecom represents telecom companies, including AT&T, Verizon, and CenturyLink; and TechAmerica's members include tech companies such as IBM, Microsoft, and Apple.

Both sites say that technicians are working to restore service for their users. Despite the high-profile companies that the sites represent, both organizations told Bloomberg they don't host any sensitive information.

The legislation that Anonymous is opposed to is a bipartisan bill referred to as the Rogers-Ruppersberger Cyber Security Bill. The bill is being put forth to "help the private sector defend itself from advanced cyber threats," according to Rep. Mike Rogers' Web site.

Both organizations seem undeterred by the attacks. USTelecom President Walter McCormick told Bloomberg that the hacks stifled free speech and Internet norms, while TechAmerica President Shawn Osborne said his organization will continue to support the legislation.

"These types of strong-arm tactics have no place in the critical discussions our country needs to be having about our cybersecurity, they just underscore the importance of them," Osborne told Bloomberg.

Источник: CNet

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