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Intel looks to Russia to kick-start WiMAX

18 декабря 2007

In an effort to stimulate demand for its WiMAX chipsets, Intel has partnered with the Russian telco Comstar UTS to build a network that will cover the city of Moscow with the broadband wireless technology.

The two companies said that this move was a prelude to deploying WiMAX to other cities and regions in Russia which will use the IEEE 802.16e standard in the 2.5-2.7Ghz range. Intel looks to Russia to kick-start WiMAX

Coverage in Moscow is planned for the end of 2008-a year Intel has claimed will see the start of significant WiMAX networks around the world. The company has already funded partners in Japan, the UK and the US in hopes of stimulating the spread of the broadband wireless technology. However, advocates of cellular technology claim that HSPA network deployments are already underway and handsets capable of supporting the high-speed data HSPA will multiply over the next six months.

While Intel has previously stated that it would be looking for Russian partners to build a unified WiMAX network across the country over the next three years, doubts have been raised over the absence of frequencies necessary for network operation.

Источник: FierceWireless

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