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Report: iPhone major hacker target in 2008

19 декабря 2007

Researchers at Arbor Networks are predicting the iPhone will be the subject of serious attacks from hackers in 2008.

Hackers already broke Apple's security system in 2007, but Arbor Networks predicts that hackers are attracted to attacking Apple users and to becoming the first to hack a new platform. Report: iPhone major hacker target in 2008

"2007 was the year of the browser exploit, the data breach, spyware, and the storm worm," the Arbor report said. "We expect 2008 to be the year of the iPhone attack, the Chinese Hacker, P2P network spammers, and the hijacking of the Storm botnet."

Apple's release of a software development kit for the iPhone in 2008 could unleash a host of attacks, and AT&T and all WiFi networks in range could be the next target, noted Andrew STORMS, director of security operations for nCircle Security.

"Imagine a successful mobile worm that distributes itself over both cellular and WiFi," he said. "That's a day that security professionals have been worrying about for years."

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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