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Kenya Moves Ahead With $500 Million Shared 4G Network

22 мая 2012

The Kenyan government is pushing ahead with plans for a shared 4G network, despite opposition from the country's dominant mobile network, Safaricom.

The government plans to spend upwards of US$500 million with the deployment due to start next year.

Speaking to Reuters, Bitange Ndemo, PS Ministry of information and communication, said that the deal was set, but they were awaiting financing.

"We have finished with the study. We have sent it to the Ministry of Finance. We are just waiting for the approval and then we hit the road," he said.

Safaricom recently said that it will withdraw from the plans for a shared LTE network for all the mobile networks if the government insists that it operate in the 2.6Ghz spectrum band. Safaricom wants the network to be built using the 700Mhz spectrum band as it requires far fewer base stations, especially in rural areas and is hence cheaper to deploy, at least initially.

However, the regulator has rejected that demand and said that will continue with plans for a network in the 2.6Ghz bands.



Источник: Cellular news

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