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SkyFILES: Five Predictions

25 декабря 2007

If everyone else is doing it, why can't I?

It's the end of 2007, and a lot of multiplatform industry observers have an annual assessment of what to expect for the New Year. Taking a page out of Evie Haskell's notebook (who wrote a solid piece on 2008 predictions earlier this week in SkyBOX), I've also created a forecast. SkyFILES: Five Predictions

So, kinda feeling like Napoleon Dynamite playing tetherball unaccompanied on the blacktop, here is my attempt to go out on a limb - on my own - and make some predictions for 2008.

Satellite TV will be back on top of the multiplatform world: Who cares if consumers get phone service from a local cable company? And, hey, maybe what they say about broadband being a commodity is right. In the video world, it's all about HD! And satellite has the most high-def (even if - like - 95 percent of the content is upconverted from standard def).

But it will be tougher than ever to compete: Telco video is on the rise, cable has its large scale and might, the kids (and some adults) love mobile video, I'm still uploading family vacation videos to YouTube, and both DBS platforms know it's a do-or-die situation in the pay-TV business. It's a zero sum game and no one wants to be a loser. It's gut-check time.

Источник: http://www. mediabizcorp.com

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