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Orange to invest €300mn in Spanish FTTH network

19 июня 2012

Orange Spain has revealed plans to invest around €300mn over the next four years in a fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) network which will deliver speeds of up to 100Mbps to around 1.5 million homes and businesses in the country’s biggest cities, with the first connections to be switched on before the end of this year.

The telco name checks the usual applications to be enabled by the new high-speed network, including HDTV, cloud services, home automation, video calling and online games.

Orange adds that the project is open to other operators joining the project, whether as co-investors in the FTTH network, through commercial agreements, or through network sharing.

Since entering the Spanish market, the company has invested over €3bn in the country and accumulated around 1.3 million customers, served by a mix of telephony, broadband and TV services.


Источник: telecoms.com

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