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Mozilla to Develop its Own Firefox OS for Smartphones

03 июля 2012

The Mozilla Foundation, which develops the Firefox mobile web browser has announced that it is developing a new smartphone OS, and a number of mobile networks have already signed up to support the development.

Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Smart, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telefónica and Telenor have all announced support for the software, while ZTE and TCL Communication Technology (under the Alcatel One Touch brand) will manufacture the first devices to feature the new Firefox OS, using Qualcomm's Snapdragon processors.

The first Firefox OS powered devices are expected to launch commercially in Brazil in early 2013 through Telefónica's local subsidiary, Vivo.

The Firefox OS for mobile devices is built on Mozilla's 'Boot to Gecko project' which enables HTML5 based web applications to access the underlying capabilities of a phone, previously only available to native applications. Telefónica's Digital unit joined forces with Mozilla earlier this year to take this work and showcase a new phone architecture where every phone feature (calling, messaging, games, etc.) is an HTML5 application.

The platform is being optimised for entry-level smartphones and wont be targetting the high-end Android, iOS or Windows Phone handsets.

Mozilla and all other participants are committed to ensuring the project is fully open and the reference implementation of the required Web APIs is being submitted to W3C for standardization.

'The introduction of the open mobile OS continues the Mozilla mission to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the Web for users and developers. As billions of users are expected to come online for the first time in the coming years, it is important to deliver a compelling smartphone experience that anyone can use,' said Gary Kovacs, CEO, Mozilla. 'The large number of operators and manufacturers now supporting this effort will bring additional resources and diversity to our global offerings.'


Источник: Cellular news

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