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ETA Launches Committee To Guide Emerging Mobile Payments Industry

13 августа 2012

The USA based Electronic Transactions Association has launched a Mobile Payments Committee to develop standards for the industry. It describes itself as a global association - then says it has signed up " all four major mobile network operators", all of which as USA based. There is no global mobile network representation in the group.

The Mobile Payments Committee is chaired by Jackie Moran, Executive Director of Federal Relations for Verizon, and includes representatives from ETA member companies engaged in all aspects of mobile commerce, including credit card networks, processors, mobile network operators, developers, financial institutions and device manufacturers.

"As a nascent industry, the mobile payments market is just beginning to realize its full potential as a robust enabler of global electronic commerce," said Moran. "The Mobile Payments Committee is designed to ensure that the early stages of mobile payments are handled in the best possible way: With insight and ingenuity from all the players - private as well as public sector -- involved in the exciting future of mobile payments."

Other ETA member companies participating in the Mobile Payments Committee include Google, Isis, Verizon, Capital One, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, VeriFone, Intuit, First Data, Panasonic and Neustar.


Источник: Cellular news

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