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Apple injunction hearing against Samsung phones set for Dec. 6

29 августа 2012

The next phase of the Apple-Samsung patent infringement saga has been scheduled for December 6.

That is the date on which Lucy Koh, the presiding judge in the closely-watched trial, will hear Apple's motion for an injunction against eight Samsung mobile phones, as well as the South Korean electronics giant's expected motion to have the jury's verdict set aside.

"Having considered the scope of Apple's preliminary injunction request, the additional post-trial motions that the parties have already filed and will file, and the substantial overlap between the analysis required for Apple's preliminary injunction motion and the parties' various other posttrial motions, the Court believes consolidation of the briefing and hearing on the post-trial motions is appropriate," Koh said today in a court filing.

Following Friday's unanimous decision in favor of Apple's patent claims against Samsung, Apple yesterday detailed which Samsung devices it wants banned from sale in the U.S. All told, the devices in question racked up about $460.8 million worth of the damages, or less than half of the $1.05 billion Apple was awarded by the jury. That number could still triple, pending a ruling by Koh.

Not included on the December 6 docket is Samsung's motion to remove a previously ordered sales ban on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet. In a filing earlier this week, the company noted that the jury found that Samsung did not violate an Apple patent that prompted the injunction on the Galaxy Tab 10.1. That hearing is scheduled for September 20.


Источник: CNet

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