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Motorola to unveil its first Intel-powered device in September

30 августа 2012

Motorola is set to unveil a new device powered by Intel's Atom mobile processor in September, it emerged on Wednesday.

The Google-owned smartphone maker has sent out invitations to an event hosted in London on 18 September, during which it promises to make an "exciting announcement". Intel's logo was included on the invitation alongside Motorola Mobility's, and the strap-line, "Let us take you to the edge", could be a hint as to what the Android-based device is likely to be called.

The launch will mark the first Intel-powered Motorola device since the two companies announced their partnership at January's Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. A number of reports are claiming the new device will be a smartphone, but it is worth noting that Motorola's multi-year agreement with Intel also covers tablets.

Intel is ramping up efforts to make inroads into the mobile hardware market amid strong smartphone and tablet demand, and sluggish sales of traditional PCs.

Gartner revealed in July that global second-quarter PC sales fell 0.1% to 87.5 million units as Ultrabooks – a word coined by Intel to describe high-powered, slimline laptops – failed to capture consumers' imaginations. Although mobile phone shipments also slipped in the second quarter, sales to end users were 419 million units, dwarfing PC sales.

However, Intel also faces well-established competitors in the form of Qualcomm, and processors designed by U.K.-based ARM.

Orange in February became the first operator in Europe to offer an Android phone powered by an Intel processor. Codenamed Santa Clara but launched as the Orange San Diego, it was produced by Taiwan-based white label phone maker Gigabyte.

Meanwhile Motorola's launch event could struggle to grab sufficient headlines, given it is scheduled to take place less than a week after what is widely expected to be the unveiling of Apple's latest iPhone.

According to a report by iMore, Apple plans to hold one of its fabled launch events on 12 September, with the new iPhone hitting the shelves just days later on 21 September.

Источник: Total Telecom

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