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Hughes Acquires Helius

11 января 2008

Hughes Communications entered into an agreement to acquire Helius, a deal that's set for completion in early February.

Hughes Acquires HeliusHelius provides business IPTV solutions for applications such as training, corporate communications and digital signage. Hughes said it plans to deploy Helius' IP video technologies to enhance its existing HughesNet service offerings.


Hughes said it has a large and growing customer base of government, retail, hospitality and petroleum customers with an interest in business IPTV applications. When combined with Hughes' networking services, the Helius product suite provides a cost-effective enterprise networking and communications solution, the company said.


After completion of the acquisition, Helius will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Hughes and will operate closely with the company's North America and International enterprise businesses.

Источник: http://www. mediabizcorp.com

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