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Iridium's Polarization Of Transoceanic Flights

14 января 2008

Iridium Satellite is now going to be able to provide Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Services (AMS(R)S) for commercial aircraft on transoceanic flights.

Iridium's Polarization Of Transoceanic FlightsThe reason is that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) approved standards and recommended practices (SARPs) for this to occur. Iridium is the only MSS that offers ubiquitous, gap-free coverage over Polar regions, the route most taken by aircraft on international flights. “The ICAO AMS(R)S approval opens a significant new market for Iridium in the international commercial aviation sector. The ICAO decision means that member states can now approve Iridium satellite equipment to meet the international requirements for redundant communications when flying over ocean regions. As a result, we expect to see rapid adoption among long-haul commercial carriers in the coming year.” said Greg EWERT, Executive Vice President, Iridium Satellite.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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