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Apple demands $707m more from Samsung

24 сентября 2012

Apple has rubbed US$707m worth of salt into the wound it inflicted on Samsung when it beat the Korean company in California's courts over the design of the companies' respective telephones.

In a filing lodged with the courts late on Friday, Pacific Time, Apple asked for another $400m for design infringements, $121m in damages for sales Samsung won by infringing its patents and $135m for wilful patent-busting, Reuters reports.

Apple is not just after cash for iPhone-related patent infringements: this new filing is said by FOSS Patents to extend to other products made by Samsung and to insist that they stop infringing on Apple's patents. The products mentioned as infringers of Apple patents include several Galaxy phones and tablets.

Reuters and FOSS Patents both report that language used in the new filing also asks for an injunction related to “any other product with a feature or features not more than colorably different from any of the infringing feature or features in any of the Infringing Products.” If imposed, the injunction would mean Samsung has to avoid infringing Apple's property rights in products not yet held to be infringing products. Doing so could mean withdrawing them from sale, if only to check they're on the right side of the law.

Источник: The Register

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