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Wireless enterprise strategies IT manager

22 февраля 2008

Mobility survey first sightings Europe.

This PowerPoint report presents the first wave of insights from the Wireless Enterprise Strategies service survey of IT managers and telecoms decision makers in the UK, France and Germany.

The outlook for business mobility in
Europe is extremely bright with wireless share of total IT spending expected to increase to 17% within two years despite concerns over the macro economic environment. Top Management remains the most influential in over 50% of cases for deciding wireless spending while the IT Department is most influential in around 30% of cases.

Mobile email is expected to explode to over 70% penetration over the next two years. RIM and Microsoft are perceived to be leaders with Nokia a distant third in terms of the mobile middleware value proposition.

Wireless security and wireless applications are the top areas targeted for increased expenditure but FMC spend is less than 3% of the total expected in 2008.

Smartphones are expected to penetrate beyond the executives in the next two years with 60%-70% of business already standardizing on one OS or will allow as long as applications are supported.

Nokia and RIM lead the way in terms of brands but over 40% of businesses have no preferred provider of Smartphones and are still up for grabs. The Telco/Mobile operator credibility gap for designing, implementing and even operating mobile data solutions remains a key factor.

Источник: Strategy Analytics

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