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iDirect Brings SatCom Capabilities To World Vision

29 февраля 2008

iDirect, Inc. announced that World Vision, a global relief and development agency, has launched its global network, SandukaNet.

The network is built on the iDirect satellite communication platform.The platform delivers secure and reliable broadband connectivity in any geography or environment. Intelsat, Ltd. is providing satellite capacity and broadband connectivity through its GlobalConnex (GXS) Network Broadband service for World Vision’s international operations in remote field locations. SandukaNet will start offering Internet connectivity via a VSAT (very small aperture terminal) network in more than 280 sites installed throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America during the first half of 2008. SandukaNet will offer seamless global mobile communications between World Vision’s sites on the ground in the remote locations in which it operates. The broadband connection will improve the delivery of World Vision’s development and relief efforts; it also will provide crucial communications during humanitarian emergencies, such as the 2005 Asian tsunami or the recent earthquakes in Peru, where satellite technology provided vital location and situational information. Sanduka means “deep change” in Zambia’s Tonga language; the change calls for a shift from a previous mode of operation to a new way of working.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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