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Рынок оборудования IPTV к 2013 г. достигнет $336 млн

24 января 2006
Как сообщает FierceIPTV, согласно недавнему отчету Dittberner Associates, рынок оборудования IPTV вырастет до $336 млн в 2013 г. с $30 млн в 2005 г. В отчете также прогнозируется, что число подписчиков IPTV в мире вырастет до 53 млн к 2013 г. с 2 млн (оценка) в конце 2005 г.

According to a recent report from Dittberner Associates, the IPTV equipment market will only reach $336 million in 2013, up from $30 million last year. The report also predicts that the number of IPTV subscribers will reach 53 million globally by 2013, up from an estimated 2 million at the end of 2005. Dittberner's seemingly low estimate of the IPTV equipment market rests on the assumption that most IPTV subscribers over the next seven years will be high-speed Internet access subscribers already. It will take a decade until the subscriber base becomes significant, and the incremental investment per subscriber will be low.


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