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Software attacks across IM, chat, and P2P were up more than 700% over the same quarter last year

24 апреля 2006
In the first quarter of 2006, malicious software attacks across instant messaging (IM), chat, and P2P, according to FaceTime Communications. Although the growth in threats targeting public IM networks such as Yahoo, MSN, and AOL stabilized in Q1 compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, the complexity of the attacks has increased. More attacks are being delivered over multiple networks simultaneously, for example over both IM and P2P. Such attacks are 23 times more common today compared to the same period last year. Compared to the year 2005 however, IM based attacks have gone down, with just 5 percent of 2006's events involving instant messaging, compared with 16 percent during all of 2005. The most targeted network is now AOL as opposed to MSN last year.


Source: Haval Daar Security Newswire

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