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Amino claims 30% marketshare for STBs

04 августа 2006
Amino Technologies chairman Greg Masom said his company is currently the IPTV set-top box (STB) market leader with around a 30 percent marketshare; however, he's referring to a nascent market where a couple of the top telcos have yet to start playing. It should also be duly noted that Microsoft's software is still in a prolonged de-bugging phase. While Amino's original plan was to license software to STB manufacturers, the company saw a need to "seed" the early market with STBs so it started making its own boxes too. Early days were "really motoring" along according to Masom, especially in emerging markets like eastern Europe, east Asia and the rural telcos of the U.S. Since December of 2003 the company has shipped 700,000 units.


Source: FierceIPTV

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