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IKS PRELIMINARY CONTENTS IKS #9 2007. BWA Geography: Parallels and Meridians of Operator Market

27 августа 2007


Person of the Issue

Andrey POSTNIKOV, General Director of Cubio Communications.
Constituent of the Federation
K.Ankilov, Person in Charge of the Column, iKS-Consulting Analyst, Invites to the Urals, city of Chelyabinsk - Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering Stronghold.
BWA Geography: Parallels and Meridians of Operator Market

Let's monitor development of a small but promising and influential market of wireless fixed networks: trends, new players, mergers and takeovers. The issue contains the map of operator's fixed wireless broad band networks.

Will the 'standardisation dream' come true in our country and are there any real grounds for that with consideration of domestic band allocation? What is the national feature of Russian BWA market and does it exist? We will also have to analyze direction of steps taken by the major companies attracted by WiMAX marketing brand. The host is G.Bolshova.
Investments into Social Sector = Investments into Business. About Cycle of Demand for Info-communication Market

How to prepare the user? How to cultivate the demand? – These are the uses the operators whose business interest is concentrated on the mass market are struggling with. The most far-sighted invest in the future without pursuing momentary benefit.

GPRS-Internet for the school, satellite terminal for the taiga hospital, wireless fixed access for the region administration, computers for the kindergarten – is it a considered commercial motion or civic stand? In smart business, such motives are usually combined. Shaping of consumer culture requires expenses. Do operators understand it? The focus is made by I.Bogoroditskaya.
Eurasian Transit – from "Great Indian Woman" to "Great Japanese Woman"

It is paradoxical but it is still a fact: Russia whose 'body' links Europe and Asia has found itself on the outskirts of the Eurasian transit - both transport and telecommunication.

Once the situation used to be different: over hundred years ago Russia proved to be the largest telecommunication transit power due to its interest in Indo-European telegraph. Today, the issue of transit potential implementation of the most Eurasian of the countries comes to the top of plans of Russia entry into the global economy. Both angles, transport and telecommunication (and link between them), of this issue is considered by L.Pavlova.

We also focus on attempts of the Russian operators to enter the international telecommunication transit market. Geopolitical, technological, business environment.
Economy and Finances
Outsourcing Sales of Mobile Operator's Services

Transfer of right to operator's sell cellular communication services to the dealer improves the financial ratios of both partners and increases their attractiveness both for shareholders and investors.
Yu.A.Vorontsov, A.R.Galiahmetov and Yu.A.Grunichev suggest the technique to assess quantitatively the outsourced service effectiveness, such technique can apply to different types of outsourcing.
Telecommunication Services: Rules for Every Day

After two years since approval by the RF Government of most of scheduled regulations for telecommunication service rendering, it is possible to speak about the first experience of their application.
A.E.Mishushin tries to summarise the interim results and formulate several conclusions about the modern legislative regulation of telecommunication service rendering.
LBS Standardisation for Service Quality Assurance

Everybody is interested in broad implantation of LBS services – the government (represented by the Ministry of Emergencies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs), subscribers, cell operators able to monitor network using LBS, improve service quality and get competitive advantages.

However, it is rather difficult to do it as the measures, against which service provision quality can be assessed according to the criteria accepted in the telecom industry, have not been established yet. The possibilities of such establishment is considered by V.N.Maksimenko (Modern Telecommunications») and M.A.Vasilev (Mobile TeleSystems).
High-Tech Marketing
Brand or Price? Perception Features

Recently there have been a lot of discussions devoted to the subject of: what is more important - brand or price? What influences decision-making by the consumer in a greater degree? There is an opinion that it is enough to offer the consumer a low price along with sufficient quality level and there is no need to invest in brand building and development. However, many well-known world companies have been proving the opposite during dozens of yeas. The brand - price ratio is investigated by V.Ledvinov (VympelCom).
Defence Lines
'Game and Candle' of Information Security Management System

Multiregional TransitTelecom was the first Russian operator to receive the a certificate of conformity to ISO/IEC27001:2005. A. V.Medvedev (MTT) tells why the company decided to take the rough way of certification and what it received in the result besides a fine document.
Is it Possible to Cut Costs Using the Comprehensive Approach in Information Security System Implantation?
K.Sokolov, Microtest, considers that it is possible. But only if one considers it in advance. According to him, implementation of information security system closely integrated with infrastructure and information system is tolerated more easily by end users and the costs caused by labour productivity decline while employees are adapting to new requirements are lower compared to those during implantation of non-integrated systems.
Business Model
'Delicate Client' in the Contact Centre

The contact centres are rather diversified, therefore, several market opportunities are still innovative for many users. V.Yu.Tarasov (AMT-Group) considers lease of applications and functionality of call processing centres.
How Can Mobile Communication Stress Factor Be Neutralised?

Today it is difficult to imagine life without the mobile phone. However, in addition to doubtless advantage, the mobile communication frequently causes information stress showing both during information expectation and its extracting. G.Chausovsky (Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine) tells about the device developed by them to neutralise such negative psychological effect.

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