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Sun, Synchronica ink licensing deal

06 сентября 2007
 Mobile synchronization and device management firm SYNCHRONICA announced an agreement with computing giant SUN MICROSYSTEMS to license components of the Synchronica Mobile Gateway for integration with products from Sun's Communications and Applications software divisions. Sun will employ Synchronica's SyncML technology to enable over-the-air synchronization of the Sun Java Communications Suite with any SyncML-enabled mobile device, promising users synchronization of calendar, contacts and over-the-air tasks with a variety of devices. Synchronica will also provide SyncML synchronization clients for Palm OS and Windows Mobile Smartphones, as well as an OMA-based client provisioning module providing over-the-air configuration of mobile devices. In addition, Sun will use the SyncML synchronization engine and Java ME SyncML client to enhance its Java Application Platform Suite with an end-to-end synchronization infrastructure, enabling third party developers to build data synchronization solutions. Sun will pay Synchronica an initial license fee of $1.8 million for the first major version upon Sun's acceptance of the software, with an agreement to purchase additional licenses on a per-user basis at a price of up to $2.40 per user per annum. The contract also guarantees Sun the option to consolidate the licenses into a one-off fee of up to $4.6m per major version; Synchronica additionally signed a support contract covered by a base fee of up to $150,000 annually, plus a fee of up to $4,500 per support incident.  Источник FierceDeveloper
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