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Worldwide Femtocell Revenues Will Reach EUR 931 Million in 2014

21 сентября 2010

In 2014, femtocell shipments should represent 23 million units worldwide for a total market of EUR 931 million, according to a report from IDATE. The compound annual growth rate for the market volume between 2010 and 2014 will be 159%.

"Following a slow start, the number of operators launching commercial femtocell services is now increasing quite rapidly, particularly in the US, Japan and developed parts of Asia", comments Frederic Pujol, head of the mobile practice at IDATE.

The report also noted that in this early stage in the industry's development operators are mainly focussing on coverage and capacity problems, though some are now beginning to formulate a range of femto-based services.

Concepts such as data offload in relation to the femtocell proposition are also steadily gaining ground and it is likely that, once the femtocell market develops further, a range of new femtocell-based business models will emerge.

In the US and Japan, in particular, the conditions for a competitive market are increasingly falling into place and with them a greater likelihood of mass market adoption.

Источник: Cellular news

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