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Yellow Pages mobile search partners

15 октября 2007

Yellow Pages Group™, New Zealand’s leading directory publisher, today announced that they will launch their WAP2.0 mobile search service in conjunction with mobilePeople and Local Matters.

Yellow Pages mobile search partnersThe new mobile offering will be based on mobilePeople’s liquidTM platform and will enable New Zealanders using the Vodafone live! mobile service to benefit from a wealth of local information accessible on their mobile phones – through directory search. Yellow Pages Group’s solution will be browser based and seamlessly integrate into Vodafone live! It will combine directory listings from Yellow™, a local map application and even give directions to a chosen destination.

Jens Andersen, CEO and co-founder of mobilePeople, commented: “The rapid adoption of mobile search has created a huge opportunity for directory publishers in New Zealand to monetize through mobile search based advertising strategies.”

Yellow Pages Group Marketing Director Blair Glubb said the mobile service would complement the company’s existing range of find-it services for businesses which already cover the print, voice (directory assistance) and online channels.

“Significantly, this development will provide businesses with a way to connect with Vodafone live! customers who want to find-it while they’re on the go. We chose to work with Local Matters and mobilePeople as the companies are clearly the best of breed suppliers - and our culture, experience and vision marry up well. This is a big step for us and will help us realise our goal of being New Zealand’s number one find-it resource”, said Mr Glubb.

The solution will be integrated with the Local Matters-powered local search engine, to deliver an integrated online and mobile solution for Yellow Pages Group. Perry Evans, CEO of Local Matters concluded: “We’re excited to see the extended usage into mobile services in cooperation with mobilePeople. Multi-modal implementations are becoming increasingly important, and we are pleased to see Yellow Pages Group take a leadership position in this arena.”

Источник: Total Telecom

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