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Telecoms brands outperform banking in 2008

04 мая 2009

In a sign that the telecoms sector is suffering less in the global downturn than other sectors, a ranking of the top 500 global brands indicated that telecommunications was the most valuable sector in the top 10 in 2008.

According to consultancy company Brand Finance, telecoms therefore superseded banking "after an apocalyptic year for financial services" in 2008.

"While the banking Top 10 dropped 33% in total value, the sector still provides the most brands in Global 500 with 77, followed by retail with 57 and telecoms with 49," said Brand Finance.

In the telecoms ranking, including operators and equipment vendors, Vodafone was ranked in top position, knocking Nokia off the number one spot. The global operator also entered the top 10 of the global 500 for the first time, while Nokia dropped out of the top 10.

But Nokia "still maintained its fearsome brand reputation reflected by the fact it had the highest brand value to enterprise value ratio at 37%," Brand Finance said.

The consultancy company commented that the top telecoms brands performed well over 2008, dropping only 15% in value across the Top 10. "This strong performance during the downturn was driven by huge growth in emerging markets," it said.

The strong development of Chinese operators also reflected in the ranking: China Mobile was one of the only brands to grow its value over the year.

A longer analysis of the top 50 global telecoms operator brand will feature in the 1 June issue of Total Telecom magazine.

The table below is a listing of the Top 10 global telecoms brands, according to Brand Finance. 

Source: Brand Finance


Источник: Total Telecom

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