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Enhanced Broadband and 4G Wireless Partnership

18 августа 2009

Proxim has received a total equity investment of 7.5 Million US dollars with 5 Million coming from SRA OSS in Japan and the remainder from current investors.

SRA is a listed company on the Tokyo stock exchange which specializes in software for 4G and WiMax solutions for mobile devices such as smartphones. The investment made by SRA in Proxim is aimed at helping SRA to continue its development into WiMax and 4G developments in a broad range of industry sectors such as enterprise markets.

Of particular interest to SRA in the new partnership, was Proxim’s expertise in the development of 4G equipment and products based on the BWA (broadband wireless access ) sector. The combined expertise of Proxim and SRA is seen to benefit both companies as they continue ongoing 4G developments.

"As one of the world's premier providers of wireless and mobile software solutions, we have extensive expertise in WiMAX and 4G wireless systems," said Dr. Rao Papolu, President at SRA OSS. "Proxim Wireless is a natural fit as a partner given their end-to-end broadband wireless portfolio. Not only are we excited about the combination of our two companies' technologies, but the combination of our collective worldwide carrier, enterprise and channel relationships will also be very beneficial."


Источник: 3G.co.uk

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