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Spotify to open music app platform to developers

01 декабря 2011

Spotify will roll out a series of new applications and open its digital music platform to developers in an effort to differentiate its services from rivals Apple, Google and Amazon.com.

Citing sources within the recording industry, the The Wall Street Journal states that Spotify will introduce applications offering users new insight and information about the music they're hearing. For example, one app will offer record reviews from magazines and blogs analyzing the album that is currently playing, while other solutions will offer content like song lyrics and schedules of upcoming concerts by artists in the consumer's Spotify library, complete with links to purchase tickets.

The Journal report states that Spotify will offer the new applications for free and make them available to both premium subscribers and users of its free, ad-supported service. The first wave of apps will be optimized solely for desktop and laptop computers, not smartphones, although some apps will create playlists accessible via mobile devices.

Spotify is expected to introduce the new apps at a media event scheduled for later today. The firm is also expected to announce it will unveil an application programming interface allowing third-party developers to build apps on top of the Spotify platform. Insiders say Spotify will subject all submissions to an internal review process to make sure they function properly and meet its criteria.

Spotify offers on-demand streaming access to more than 15 million songs--users can create and manage their own playlists, share tracks via Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS, and wirelessly sync their playlists to their mobile phone or iPod. The U.S. version, launched in July 2011, offers three flavors: Spotify Free (on-demand, buffer-free access with occasional advertising); Spotify Unlimited (uninterrupted, ad-free access via computer for $4.99 per month); and Spotify Premium (online and offline access across the desktop and mobile for $9.99 per month).

Spotify remains most popular in Europe, although the service has grown quickly in the months since its U.S. premiere. Spotify now boasts 10 million active users in 12 countries, with 2.5 million opting for its premium offerings.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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