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Intelsat Signs Agreements with Leading Bulgarian DTT and DTH Providers

16 октября 2012

Intelsat announced new agreements with two of Bulgaria’s premier media companies for Intelsat transponder services to enable digital terrestrial television (DTT) and distribution of high-definition programming.

Under the first agreement, NURTS, the primary tower company and sole DTT operator in Bulgaria, will use capacity on Intelsat 12 at 45° East to contribute content to its terrestrial towers for DTT services launching soon in Bulgaria. Intelsat 12 offers a favorable look angle to serve Bulgaria’s mountainous landscape, and its signals reach transmitter sites in even the most remote and rugged areas.

NURTS provides terrestrial broadcasting for all national and regional television in Bulgaria. With more than 700 transmission sites across Bulgaria, NURTS provides a variety of media distribution services to national and international broadcasters and programmers. NURTS is in the process of switching off analog transmissions by September 2013, part of a mandate from the European Union.

Intelsat currently provides proven DTT solutions in several nations, supported by advanced coding and modulation techniques that enable efficient use of bandwidth. Intelsat also hosts video neighborhoods that serve all of the populated continents, offering increased access to the most popular content that complements the programming distributed by DTT providers.

In the second agreement, Bulgarian Telecom (VIVACOM), Bulgaria’s national telecommunications provider, also signed a multi-year agreement on Intelsat 12. VIVACOM plans to add high-definition programming to its recently launched direct-to-home (DTH) platform for delivery to viewers in Bulgaria, greatly expanding its current offerings. VIVACOM is currently the only nationwide provider in Bulgaria to offer a full suite of Internet, digital television, mobile and fixed telephone services to customers in Bulgaria at a flat rate.

“Intelsat has a long history of supporting DTT and DTH deployments throughout the globe,” said Jean-Philippe Gillet, Intelsat’s RVP of sales for Europe and the Middle East. “We offer unparalleled reliability and reach to NURTS and VIVACOM, enabling them to grow their service offerings and access new customers. By hosting both DTT and DTH services, which complement each other with differentiated content, Intelsat 12 is clearly the satellite of choice for media distribution over Bulgaria.”

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