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UK operators create firm to speed up 800MHz LTE

18 октября 2012

The UK’s four mobile network operators have formed a company to speed up the deployment of the 800MHz frequency band vacated by the Digital Switchover.

Regulator Ofcom announced early October that the spectrum, which will be used to roll out LTE services will be made usable earlier than planned, following peace talks between the UK government and the nation’s operators.

Following those talks, Everything Everywhere, Telefónica O2, 3UK and Vodafone have formed Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited, a jointly-controlled company. It will be responsible for ensuring that consumers continue to receive clear Freeview TV signals following the launch of in the 800MHz band.

“Creating the company now will further accelerate the rollout of competitive 4G services next year,” Ofcom said in a statement. “It will be funded by the successful bidders for 800MHz spectrum in the forthcoming auction.”

The regulator added that provisions exist to make sure that if any other party acquires some of the spectrum in the auction, they can immediately become a shareholder in the company.

IT industry veteran Andrew Pinder CBE has been appointed to act as interim chairman of Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited.


Источник: telecoms.com

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