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Vodafone reveals its answer to iPhone

11 сентября 2007

Vodafone on Monday geared itself up for the launch of Apple’s iPhone in the UK by unveiling its range of mobile phones for the all-important Christmas market and an “all you can eat” music download service.

The mobile operator’s range of handsets is led by ones using third-generation wireless technology, which will offer faster internet browsing than the iPhone.

Vodafone is also seeking to attract customers wary of running up big bills on music by offering unlimited downloads to their mobiles for £2 a week.

Apple, the US computer manufacturer responsible for the iPhone, is widely expected to announce an exclusive deal with O2, the mobile operator owned by Spain’s Telefónica, for the UK market.

The deal is expected to be confirmed in the next few weeks, enabling O2 to maximise sales of the iPhone in the run up to Christmas. It is the most important sales period of the year.

Arun Sarin, Vodafone’s chief executive, has repeatedly highlighted how the first version of the iPhone will not run on 3G mobile networks. By operating on 2.5G networks, customers get slower internet browsing.

Vodafone has struck an exclusive deal with Omnifone, a UK technology company, giving mobile customers unlimited access to music from labels such as Universal for £1.99 a week.

So long as customers continue to subscribe, they retain all their downloads.

Vodafone customers can download music to keep from the company’s portal at a price of 99p a track.

Users of the iPhone will be able to download music to keep from Apple’s iTunes portal.

Source: http://www.ft.com
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