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Axiom Systems’ Signs Strategic Agreement with BI Telecom

12 сентября 2007

Axiom Systems announced BI Telecom as a Value Added Reseller in Russia and CIS



The combined proposition will enable service providers to launch revenue generating next-generation services such as Triple-Play, IPTV and VoIP to a new media hungry region.

Together, the two companies will offer the AXIOSS service fulfilment suite which incorporates Order Management, Service Inventory and Service Activation. <b>BI Telecom will also be able to provide their customers with Axiom Systems’ new Active Catalog product.</b> The Active Catalog is a service design and process orchestration platform which enables products and services to be built from robust, reusable components.

Roman TKACHEV, Deputy CEO, Director of ICT Department at BI Telecom said, “It has become crucial for service providers’ OSS platforms to be highly flexible, yet robust to be able to succeed in today’s highly competitive telco marketplace. Axiom Systems’ service fulfillment products have a history of success with some of the most profitable Telcos in the world. Utilising this advanced software system whilst drawing on BI Telecoms integration expertise, will ensure service providers in the Russia and CIS region share in the success and achieve a cost effective and timely approach to the design, creation, and launch of new products and services.”

Peter MIDDLETON, VP of Alliances, Axiom Systems commented, “As the complexity of service creation continues in the industry due to increased variation and differentiation, service providers have to cope with supporting a number of different technologies, services and vast customer bases. Our real-life experience in real-time service creation and delivery with industry leaders demonstrate that Axiom Systems and its partners provide the system agility and scalability needed to ensure customer loyalty while delivering a cost-effective solution with superior convergent capabilities.”

Both Axiom Systems and BI Telecom will be jointly exhibiting at TeleEvo 2007 in Moscow, Russia from 8-11th October. Axiom Systems will also be showcasing its award winning ‘Service and Product Assembly Catalyst - Improving the Efficiency of the Service Factory, From Concept to Production’ at the event.

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