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Nokia preloads Microsoft apps on handsets

06 сентября 2007

 Nokia announced plans to begin preloading Microsoft's applications onto its handsets in 11 countries. The applications include Windows Live Hotmail, Messenger, Live Contacts and Live Spaces. N-Series owners who live in 11 European and Middle Eastern markets, which include France, UK, Germany and Spain, can begin downloading the applications onto their mobile phones right away. The companies hope to begin preloading the software on Nokia's mass-market Series 40 handsets in Q1 of 2008.

While Nokia's phones have been unable to download Microsoft applications previously, this initiative will allow the applications to sync up with the handset's features more seamlessly. For example, the communications applications can sync up with the phone's contacts list and the phone's pictures can be more easily uploaded to the Internet.

Источник FierceWireless

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