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Forecast: SMS to continue driving messaging revenues

28 июля 2008

Short messaging services will continue to spearhead revenues across all mobile messaging categories, generating global revenues of $177 billion in 2013, according to a new forecast released by market analysis firm ABI Research.

But the report notes that regional differences will play a significant role in determining the success of messaging expansion into the web, advertising and social networking media, with factors like consumer type, payment preferences, message delivery method and usage all entering the equation. According to ABI, developed regions of North America and Europe boast the highest messaging ARPUs and transmit the most messages from PC to mobile devices via IM; at the same time, Asia-Pacific subscribers subscribe to the most SMS alert services, while in Latin America, users prefer pay-as-you-go for all messaging services. "Device vendors and messaging platform suppliers serving the global market will have to manage across markets where growth is king--and other markets where product differentiation is king," said ABI principal analyst Dan Shey in a statement. "This is a great time for smaller companies to develop new products and services individually and in partnerships to serve the niche needs of a region or country."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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