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Clearing Hurdles to Just-in-Time Network Lifecycle Management

28 ноября 2008

Advances in telecommunications have facilitated the move of capital-intensive industries to “just-in-time” (JIT) processes to reduce costs while ensuring the right goods are available at the right time and place to satisfy demand.

So why hasn’t the telecommunications industry itself, one of the most capital-intensive industries on the planet, done the same? Why aren’t telecom networks as real-time responsive to market demands as other industries are?

The short answer is they never have had to be and it isn’t an easy transition. But many of the pieces required for that transition are now in place. The last piece that needs to fall into place is being able to quickly and accurately determine the configuration of the future network with the right technologies, the right vendors, and the right capacity at the right locations - without overbuilds that waste money or underbuilds that lead to poor QoS metrics and a poor quality of experience for customers.

This is the domain of network planning, which, until recently, has been a relatively overlooked area for automation and process re-engineering by service providers. Getting this last piece right will unlock three areas of JIT value:

  • Demand- or market-driven, real-time network evolution to better align resource delivery with resource consumption
  • Automation of supply chain management for network resources
  • Optimized workflow for network creation

Now that the other pieces of a comprehensive Network Lifecycle Management (NLM) process are being put in place, it is time to figure out that last piece and finally secure the JIT promise. Let’s look at the NLM framework and then the six hurdles between us and JIT networks.

Источник: http://communicationsdirectnews.com

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