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Sistema exec found murdered

26 февраля 2009

Former Russian secret service general and deputy president of Sistema found dead at the weekend.

Alexander Rogachev, a 46-year-old former employee of the FSB secret service's government communications agency, was found dead Sunday in a car outside an elite Moscow restaurant, the Vremya Novostei newspaper reported.

Interfax reported that Rogachev was initially thought to have died of natural causes but post-mortem examination found a bullet lodged in his brain.

police declined to comment on the reports when contacted by AFP.

Rogachev was deputy president of industrial conglomerate Sistema JSFC, which has interests that include telecoms, banking, retail and property.

Newspapers said his post-FSB career success was partly due to his marriage to the daughter of influential regional governor Yegor Stroyev. The marriage later ended in divorce.

Stroyev, who previously chaired
Russia's upper house of parliament, was sacked last week by President Dmitry Medvedev after 16 years heading the Oryol region.

has been hit by hundreds of contract killings in the years since the fall of Communism, with many of the murders in its murky criminal underworld frequently remaining unsolved.

Источник: Total Telecom

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