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Globalstar Making International News

01 июня 2007
Worldwide satellite services provider Globalstar entered a strategic alliance with a leading Asian communications company to expand coverage and distribute satellite products across the region. The agreement, inked with Singapore Telecommunications Limited, provides for SingTel's construction and operations of a Globalstar gateway ground station at the company's Seletar Satellite earth Station in Singapore.

According to Globalstar, the ground stations will expand its satellite coverage throughout Singapore and Malaysia, as well as parts of Indonesia, Brunei and the surrounding Southeast Asian maritime shipping region.

Globalstar said it will provide the engineering and technical training support required for SingTel to operate the station. The agreement also will enable both companies to deliver tracking and trace solutions for the maritime and logistics industries using the Globalstar Simplex data network.

In other Globalstar news, the company extended its value-added reseller agreement with GE's Asset Intelligence division, a provider of intelligence-based mobile asset management solutions for the transportation industry, through 2010. Globalstar's Simplex data network has also allowed Asset Intelligence to expand its VeriWise solution across Europe.


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