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Iridium: Test Your Satellite Phone Week

01 июня 2007
Iridium Satellite is launching its first annual "Test Your Satellite Phone" Week encouraging emergency workers and first responders to become familiar with the technology. Not only is the campaign aimed at increasing satellite phone user knowledge, it is also set up to help disaster workers confirm their access to the critical communication service before the next emergency arrives.

Iridium said "Test Your Satellite Phone" Week is similar to the bi-annual testing of smoke alarms, hoping to bring attention to the need of emergency workers to be able to operate their satellite phone systems. The campaign coincides with the U.S. National Weather Service's National Hurricane Preparedness Week.

"Test Your Satellite Phone" Week provides all Iridium subscribers a toll-free number to test their units. By dialing 00-1-480-752-5105, callers will hear a recorded message confirming that their call was completed and offering quick tips on proper handset usage. Iridium said it will not charge customers for airtime on their sat phones when calling the number.

If customers find their phones aren't working through the test call, Iridium said to call the its service provider for troubleshooting measures.

The company offers the following tips for users to check and maintain satellite phone service: Test phones on a monthly basis; keep the battery charged at all times; allow the battery to discharge completely before re-charging; use the phone outside with a clear view of the sky and make sure the antenna is extended and rotated upward.


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